Friday, May 7, 2010

Mixed Emotions

Kristen leaves in ten days and will be gone for 27 months. I'm a bag of mixed emotions. She is going to do what God has called her to do and for that, I am extremely proud. But I'm a mom and it's hard to let go. Kristen will be 25 years old in a couple of months and has lived at home all but the one semester she went to school out-of-state. Sometimes I am happy for her, that she is moving on with her life with a passion and a purpose. Sometimes I just want her to be an "average" American girl and get a good job here (close to home), get married, and have babies.....grandbabies for ME!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why Blog?

Why would I, a 54 year old married mother of two adult daughters decide to start a blog?

There are several answers to that question.

First, my oldest daughter, Kristen (24 years old) is leaving in 25 days for Peru where she will be doing missionary work for two years and three months. She has recently started a blog and I have been intrigued with the whole concept.

Second, I have no idea what to expect and how I am going to handle having my daughter in another country for over two years. My emotions are starting to run rampant and I thought this might be a good outlet.

Third, I lost my job 15 months ago and I'm having a hard time dealing with the lack of finances and the toll it has taken on my self-esteem.

And finally, I wanted to have a journal of my sprititual progress through this time of uncertainty in my life.